Tried and true facilitation methods


Complexity and the Art of Evaluation – Reporting Sheet

Leader: Candice Bruce

Key Points:
•    Ask for input – pose a question = ownership – outcome
•    Run perpetual initiates
– normalise behaviour
•    Develop trust
–    Adaptation
–    Solution focus
–    Visuals – “in a perfect world?” Grading from 1 to 10
–    where are you now? What are the good things and the learnings? What is one thing that you can do to move forward?
•    Collective Social Learning Process – Professor Valerie Brown – “Leonardo’s Vision”
•    Spacial marking (buy special chalk to mark on carpet) – participants step in and out
•    Structured workshops
–    home work before
–    brain storming
–    objectives –  business plan
–    options
–    time frame
–    post-it notes
•    Action learning (W.I.L)
•    Getting action at the end – pair up – what I’m going to do
– follow up in 2-3 weeks – accountable
•    Never make a statement when you can ask a question
•    Two ears, one mouth – listening – hear how you are being heard.
•    Telling stories about our own journey
–    photos – pick a picture you identify with and say why
–    share with 1 other person
–    then share with the table
•    Disposable camera – photos of what are their favourite areas or their home
•    Shared Resources:
– “Estelo” specialist training supplier Sydney
– Book – Climate Action – Diesendorf
– Edward de Bono – 6 Thinking Hats
– Storms of my grandchildren – Hanson
– The Rational Manager – Kepner and Tregoe
– “Kids Teaching Kids” Aaron and Richard Wood
– MS Project – Microsoft Excel
•    Make time for individual reflection and to do visual stuff
–    Role model deliberate actions
•    Transition handbook – share slides – use art and participant centred
•    Use of PCs – SKYPE – Web Cam – interactive learning solutions
•    Conversation Tech World Café – small group, slightly different question
•    Avoid Death by PowerPoint – ½ page is read by each – feedback to group
•    Lend out lecture notes eg. Harvard – ask for question out of the lecture (day before) – get student to answer questions – 5 minute lecture
•    Participants to present chapters in book
•    Question – what is in it for them? List main outcomes – collect at beginning, everyone walks out satisfied
•    Appreciative enquiry process
•    Look for criteria – start where they are at
•    Australia Standard on Governance – transition towns: Heart, Head, Hand, grassroots, self-sustaining
•    Favourite warm up – yes, but = blocker, yes, and opens up possibilities

| May 5th, 2010 | Posted in Open Space Session |

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