Complexity and the Art of Evaluation – Reporting Sheet
Leader: Damien Sweeney
Background to Toolbox:
Four councils involved with their project and Swinburne University is the academic partner
Current stage – putting tools together, have piloted some already with participating councils
Phone contact for case studies
Online forum would be useful
Have limitations of evaluation technique is useful
Qualitative is common – interview and qualitative
Cost benefit analysis is useful for CSIRO examples
Attribution – were you influenced by something else or this project? (Categorises the other influences)
Links to online surveys and tips to use that would be useful
Need to say what evaluation to have when ie. Evaluation plan for duration of project
City of Ballarat – project on planning and how engaged people are in programs – would be willing to pilot toolbox
Behaviour Change blog – through conference, could be useful to have this on site for blog
Survey – difficult to follow up on outcomes. Survey monkey is useful
Needs to be able to change the toolbox – not have it static, eg, add case studies, reviews of tools etc – make it interactive
Have volunteer from City of Ballarat willing to pilot the toolbox
Wicki page – people can add their own information and use as a blog
The National Social Marketing Centre in the UK is a good example of an online toolbox
Clear Water – storm water project
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