Show Me The Change is linked to a range of conferences in Australia and around the world. It seems like it is ‘the time’ for people to explore complexity and rethink the way we have been approaching behaviour change and it’s evaluation.
One such gathering is in Melbourne. Hosted by the folks at ALARA (Action Learning Action Research Association), this event is sure to attract people from our’s and visa-versa!
Ross Colliver was kind enough to provide some words to describe the conference …
Eighth ALARA World Congress 2010
Participatory Action Research and Action Learning
Appreciating our Pasts, Comprehending our Presents
Prefiguring our Futures
Eighth ALARA World Congress 2010 on Participatory Action Research and Action Learning, September 6-9th 2010, Melbourne, Australia. Plus two pre-congress skill-sharing days (4th-5th)
Meet people actively engaged in Action Research / Action Learning and its applied fields. Be stimulated by critical dialogues and reflections the the Praxis Streams of Social Ecology, Community Development, International Development, Health and Wellbeing, Systems /Business / Organisational Development, Education and Learning, and Decolonising Practice, including cross-cultural learning with Indigenous Peoples.
Meet practitioners of the ‘new’ generation. Talk and listen to ‘Elders’ who have contributed to the early growth periods of these methodologies and who continue to be initiators and innovators. Become part of local, regional and global networks practicing PAR /AR / AL.
Engage with like-minded people in conversations about philosophies underpinning action research, debate issues of power, deepen your understanding of methodologies. Brush up on the basics, gather materials, shared-knowledge and contacts to take Action Research / Action Learning with you into workplaces, associations, organisations and lives.
Ross Colliver
0411 226519
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