Can we/how do we engage with and work for disengaged, disadvantaged and lower socio economic groups?

Complexity and the Art of Evaluation – Reporting Sheet

Leader:    Stephanie Madeley

Participants: Danielle Kennedy    Victoria Johnson
Merryl Whyte    Simon Kreeure
Kerry Edgecombe    Jon Wapainakefe
Felicity Wardlaw    Viv Beufon
Karen Parissien

Key Points:

Inability, disinterest, not usually have a correlation – its more that (low socio-economic) groups want to change but there are too many barrier to change.

Access – go out, don’t expect them to com to you.  Organisational flexibility is very important and ask them what they want.  Community often has the answer.  The role of schools in a community can be profound.  This is part of the importance of relationships.

Should we place greater importance on social change at a societal level?  Would this make things easier?

What is the relevance to people (eg economic hardship)?

| May 10th, 2010 | Posted in Open Space Session |

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