The role of museums in the climate change debate

Complexity and the Art of Evaluation – Reporting Sheet

Leader:    Fay Valcane

Participants: Kathryn McCullum    Deb Orb
Stephanie Madeley    Jane Lieman
Viv Benton    Linda Duffy
Greg Bruce

Key Points:

•    Telling stories around climate change in an engaging (immersive way).  Creating experiences that put people in “changed environment”.

•    Prof Sam Hom US Thematic Communication & Tourism Industry Int Physiologist was quoted as a good contact to make.  He will be based at Latrobe Uni, …………?? Oct / Nov 2010.

•    Working in partnerships with key organisations, where the museum can be the neutral trusted authority.  Provides platform to engage with experts in the field under one collective point – and the museum not re-inventing great work being done, eg Deakin Uni and Wheeler Centre lectures.

•    Targeting mums with young kids – museum can provide safe place to bring mums together and equip them with strategies to change behaviours, creating safe spaces for discussions to occur.

•    Work with something that goes to where people are, not wait for them to visit you (at the museum).

•    Museums are places that provide opportunities for brave discussions, provide balance …….?? Sceptic views & science non-sceptic views.

•    Follow up with Monteray Bay Aquarium in UK who are also looking at ways of addressing climate change issues.

•    Use people and their stories to help communicate issues to engage audiences rather than tackling it by a “we are experts approach”.  Sited Jane (surname ?????) a Professor at Flinders University, for eg of great approach on thematic communications.  Example was given where Jane talks about her passion for geology – rocks via taking people on a journey that they are interested (eg their migration history) and finding a creative link to a story on the geology of the area (this sounded very intriguing)!

| May 10th, 2010 | Posted in Open Space Session |

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