How to change behaviour in our “over it” topic?

Complexity and the Art of Evaluation – Reporting Sheet

Leader:    Bridge Wetherall


Key Points:

•    Making it relevant

•    When they are ready

•    Want to change

•    Imposed change & moved along by peer pressure

•    Reward & recognition – certificate etc.

•    Minimising assumptions

•    Tapping into existing groups – “green parenting” – churches

•    Non-english speaking backgrounds

•    Shift to “their” timelines

•    Research to understand various stages of a project to accommodate “early adoptors” and “strugglers”

•    Use interim evaluation data to prove a point

•    Evaluating regularly

•    Network to know what is going on in your area – local Gov’t network exists

•    ICLEI – run its course – local Gov’t taken over role

•    Greenhouse Alliance – SEW to join

•    Roadmap of what is going on around you

•    Buy-in of program for middle management

•    Scaleable data – different data provided to different levels – mngt, stakeholders

•    Peer mentoring to get middle mngt to buy-in

•    Choose not to work with certain groups in “this” time and context

I 3 model         |    involvement
———————–    intervention

•    Media involvement

•    School pick up and drop of times to influence change ie mother with children

•    Understand what else is on in the area and when so no conflicting “messages”

| May 10th, 2010 | Posted in Open Space Session |

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