Complexity and the Art of Evaluation – Reporting Sheet
Leader: Tani
Key Points:
Two year program, community garden, start mid end evaluation.
• They used nickname to provide stats for confidentiality
• Completed mid project workshop for evaluation and sharing
• Interviews at end, one on one
• 30 participants
• Used consultancy for survey / evaluation
• Easy to get feedback due to already formed group.
“Living 4 our future”
City of Boroondara – sustainability, water, food, waste program pre & post evaluation, measured footprint, 3 workshops, incentives provided saw concrete outcomes by com parity water bills etc.
Good tool – global footprint tool, EU states most creditable tool.
A reduction was seen – it resource use.
“Most significant change” – method = story telling methodology.
On-going indepth long-term interviews highly regarded.
Key = acting, reflecting, learning.
“Participationary approach” – google for websites.
“Action Research”
Outcome mapping.
Spider diagrams – set criteria to evaluate work – shape changes over time.
Radar graph – participatory method.
It is about the people involved creating the data to be measured – visual immediate.
Role modelling method – stakeholders take role of group / individual. Empowering as it goes.
Assists in seeing how the individual is effected.
Only suitable on a small scale.
Also suitable on a small scale.
Also suitable for team members in acting out the issues.
Useful to ask “critical” friends to look at your evaluation tech.
Valuable way to progress knowledge is to keep talking, meeting, discussing – challenges research to stay relevant.
Make evaluation embedded in process and project plan.
“Program logic” design tool for planning clarification evaluation.
You can complete an internal evaluation for your team for learning and internal use only. Then when completing the external evaluation this should be an easier task.
Very valuable to verbally have a conversation with participate.
QSR – Doncaster.
“MVIVO” program – can record conversations have them typed up then placed in “MVIVO” program to make it rigorous = code issues to sort collected data.
Two questions to ask:
1. What would you say to others to attend XYZ?
2. What would you say to others as to reasons not to attend?
All good evaluations should use a variety of tools to get different angles.
• Book – the trianglisation design
• Have / use multiple evaluation tools to ensure you have the right data / answers somewhere along the way
• “Plan-do-act-check” – around since 30’s
• The risk analysis of your project plan will guide you on where you need to focus and guide your evaluation
• If evaluating your own program – a diary is handy to keep
• Debrief with others to get learnings.
Allow all learning styles to communicate in their style:
1. amiable
2. kinaesthetic
3. verbal
4. auditory
Don’t just evaluate in the style you prefer when collecting evaluation !!
Tool – photo – learning cards.
“Gallery technique” – people work on walls and present / flipchart.